
Thursday 19 August 2010

21c Gateway

this view of the Edge Lane demolition (taken from inside a phone box) resembles Ground Zero. This isn't terrorism though - it's the Edge Lane Project ('Creating a 21st Century Gateway to the City').

97 Royston Street

No. 97 remains the last house standing in the eastern half of Royston Street. A couple of the demolition crew told me that the properties were in a poor state structurally and that one of the hazards of their job was watching out for the discarded syringes. I was told that one house had a thousand used needles in one room (I assume that was an estimate). Contrast this photo with the entry for 13th June.

Wednesday 18 August 2010

Bascule Bridge Renovation

The control room of the bascule bridge at Stanley Dock (Regent Road). Cosmetic renovation is almost completed - Aug 18, 2010.

Sunday 1 August 2010


this view from Collingwood Dock (looking toward Stanley Dock) shows the bascule road bridge under wraps for restoration. It's a cosmetic job - the bridge won't operate again - presumeably there is no requirement to let large craft through these docks. This is the only bascule bridge in Liverpool (but there are a couple in Birkenhead) and was due to be opened again at the end of July.